Saturday 21 August 2021

Got lockdown lethargy?  Can’t wait to get back in amongst the action?  Like water, and silliness?

Then grab whatever is to hand and start building your raft for the legendary Regatta KonTiki Raft race. 

With the kind permission and support from the Dart Harbour and Navigation Authority, the popular race will take place along the South Embankment with rafts being launched at the Higher Ferry Slipway and finishing at the Boat Float.

First rafts will launch at 5pm on Saturday 21 August.

As in 2019, when we relaunched the beloved raft race, it will be your chance to paddle in the wake of one of history’s most famous explorers, Thor Heyerdahl, who in 1947 crossed the Pacific Ocean on the balsa wood raft Kon-Tiki.

Kon-Tiki madness from 2019!

Kon-Tiki madness from 2019!

Much merriment and silliness was had in 2019, there were an amazing array of brilliant rafts and ingenious designs.  No one sank.  Everyone was accounted for with no injuries (except maybe to some team members prides) or disqualifications.  We even think we may have the organization completely sorted for 2021!  But please note, this event is for FUN.  It is obligatory to enjoy it, so please, only enter if you are up for a good old fashioned belly laugh of an afternoon!

 A raft can be crewed by 2 to 10 people with categories of entry for families and adults.  The minimum age for participants will be 8-years old; there is no maximum age limit.  IT MAY BE WE HAVE TO RESTRICT TEAMS TO BE COMPLIANT WITH THE COVID REGULATIONS IN FORCE AT THE TIME.

To be in the ‘family’ category, the crew must have an equal number or more children than adults (noting that for every 3 children, there must be at least one adult).  To be in the ‘adult’ category, the crew must have a greater number of adults than children (adult defined as over 18yrs).

The race has been extremely kindly sponsored by the Higher Ferry. There will be trophies and awards for fastest crew and best dressed raft and crew in each class.

Spaces will be limited so do not delay, register your interest via the website now!

Kon-Tiki 2019

Kon-Tiki 2019

The entry fee (entry forms will be available on our website from June) will be based upon the numbers of people on the raft as follows: 2-4 person raft – £10; 5-8 person raft – £20; 9-10 person raft – £30.

Terms and conditions will apply for your safety and those of river users.



Dartmouth Regatta

The Port of Dartmouth Royal Regatta is the trading name of the Port of Dartmouth Royal Regatta Limited, a company registered in England, No: 07728393 Registered Office: c/o Marsland Nash Associates Vantage Point House, Decoy Industrial Estate, Silverhills Rd, Newton Abbot TQ12 5ND

© 2025 Port of Dartmouth Royal Regatta