We are full of anticipation at the thought of being able to host a Port of Dartmouth Royal Regatta this year.
After an ‘annus horribilis’ for everyone, but especially those of our community who are in the hospitality industry and of course those affected by the COVID pandemic, we think we could all do with something to look forward to. That is why we are determined to have Regatta week go ahead if we can. With some healthy (but fiercely fought) competitive sailing and rowing, the silliness that is the Kon-Tiki race, or the observation testing Spot the Oddity competition, you will have something that all the family can start to think about enjoying. You may even want to use your newly found lockdown running skills to take part in the Regatta Road Race, or perhaps you might enjoy our famous crabbing competition. If sport isn’t your thing, live music with dancing and singing are on offer in abundance in our Coronation Park arena or the Royal Avenue Gardens.
Either way, it is an event like no other, probably due in part because it takes place in one of the most beautiful and picturesque spots in the UK.
Of course, we will continue to monitor the COVID situation closely, but with the national vaccination programme in place, we are very hopeful we will once again be able to stage, what is one of the highlight events of the South Hams calendar year, again. We should indeed be back to some kind of normality by the summer. Fingers crossed.
The committee have been working hard remotely, with zoom meetings a plenty, and socially distanced coffees (with much loud talking and avoiding showers!) between just a few of us at a time, as and when restrictions have allowed. Planning has been well underway for months. Using our time wisely, we also decided our website was well overdue an update and refresh, and we are delighted to announce we have been working closely with Wonder Associates, to produce a brand new shiny Regatta website, which is now live. Obviously it is a work in progress, as you would expect with a team of volunteers setting it up and managing it in between our everyday working lives. There was a massive amount of content to go through, and we may have (just a teeny bit) underestimated how much time this would take to sort through! However we did have much fun scrolling through photos and reminiscing on the wide and varied amount of entertainment that is on offer here during the last week in August. In fact, should you wish to be a part of the fun, we would love to hear from you! We are always very pleased to hear from new volunteers and helpers. You can commit to just a couple of hours or more should you wish. Either way, we are a very friendly lot and you will soon feel a part of the Regatta family! Contact us here.
We hope you like our new site and that you will use it to help you plan what and where you will be during the 176th Port of Dartmouth Royal Regatta from 25th – 28th August 2021.
We cant wait to see you! In the meantime, stay safe, stick to the rules, protect the NHS.
You can find links to available accommodation here www.discoverdartmouth.com